Five Ways to Make Children a Successful Man

Five Ways to Make Children a Successful Man

Five Ways to Make Children a Successful Man

All parents want their child to attend a standard school and college so that they do not face the difficulty of enrolling in a good university while pursuing professional education.

That's why they believe that high-quality and high-paying educational institutions are essential for a good education.

Parents with more financial resources are reluctant to enroll their children in educational institutions whose fees are heavy, even if only books in the name of education are withdrawn, regardless of their children's talents and abilities. The only responsibility is to have the slabs covered and the children don't have the opportunity to learn something.

Similarly, it has become common for us to have children in engineering and medical colleges failing to pass merits or pass the entrance test, instead of enrolling parents in a different institution according to their abilities or tendencies. Admissions and then continued for later pass or good GPA.

In doing so, parents often forget that the real purpose of education is not only to achieve a degree and a good job in the future, but also to make the child's awareness and sense of belonging an active and responsible part of society. In addition to the flaws of our education system, it is the parents' misconception that only degree holders are leaving our educational institutions, who have no passion for the good of society and country and the nation. It is becoming more of an emotion and a passion for helping others.

To address the current situation where we desperately need to rebuild our education system, parents also need to understand that higher education institutions, huge fees and coaching centers are essential to make our children a successful and good human being. Instead of relying on them to begin training and improving them through self-action, the following tips can guide the parent.

1. Developing children's hidden capabilities:

Most parents of ours dream to make children doctors, engineers or accountants because they think that through these professions they will earn good money and get rid of financial problems, but on the contrary, their children will do arts, astronomy, graphics. Or computers, etc., so it is important to allow parents from an early age to expose children to tasks that allow them to uncover their hidden abilities and when choosing a future profession. Parents are fully prepared that their child is inclined towards a particular subject or area from the beginning, It has been observed that children usually perform best in the subjects of their choice, after which parents will not need good tactics such as bribery etc. in their professional admissions.

2. Give children freedom:

Usually parents and even mothers in particular are worried about how the child will go out and about in the company of children, nowadays most parents are sending children out due to poor law and order situation. And because of this, children spend most of the time on-screen which is not only harmful to them but it also has a bad effect on their self-esteem. Take the time out and encourage them in outdoor sports; if they get low marks in education then the main reason, rather than scolding. Corpses, if they fail, it is arguable that at least they made an effort. Remember, failures only teach humans to rise up and improve themselves, Einstein. From Stephen Hawking to an eminent intelligent person who has not experienced failure from the beginning, if your child suffers from some kind of physical or psychological and psychological problems, he should be treated without proper and timely treatment. Immerse yourself in tasks that he or she is usually reluctant to do or fear so that fear can be restored and self-esteem restored.

3. Promote Elastic Behavior in Children:

Most parents nowadays have the same complaint with their children that children do not listen to them and do not want to obey them, saying that they often ignore the factors that cause children to become stubborn and self-centered. Children often observe parents or other family members in behavior, if you want to drive them to their liking rather than to build self-esteem, then they must become self-obsessed with behavior, to build resilience in children. So parents have to be flexible in their behavior; if they repeatedly fail to perform a task, instead of stopping them. Give merchants the chance to find fault and encourage them, usually because parents see children's poor progress in school and have a coaching center or tuition that reduces their interest in education rather than because of their sports. As time goes by, coaching seems to be the same as some parents pass the money on exams to children and realize that their child does not have the ability to pass, whereas the problem is something else that is suppressed due to inadvertence. And children with parents become accustomed to choosing the wrong paths.

4. Create feelings and empathy.

Today we are living in a digital age where social media has reduced not only the tolerance of the younger generation but also our social and social values ​​which are characteristic of an Islamic society. The race will be two hands ahead of them as they have opened their eyes to a machine world where their parents also like to spend more time on social media than in real life, so it is important for parents to save their future generations. Give children more time by restricting routine, including feeling for humans and animals but also for plants and we To create a sense of junk they have to keep them close to nature and away from the internet, video games and social media, as well as encourage children to play with their children and get in touch, if they are struggling. Instead of trying hard to solve the problem, consider it a problem, if the children are not reprimanded for wrongdoing, then gradually these behaviors become their nature and they may become accustomed to feelings or feelings of compassion for others.

5. Encourage children to experiment:

Our educational system is something that encourages children to just go for books instead of searching, searching, or finding passion, and parents also believe that learning to pass a certain class of syllabus each year is an education. Encourage your children to learn through experiences while negatively thinking, if they do not understand a scientific subject, then experiment it so that they can better understand the law, as well as in mathematics if the child. If weaker, then it can be explained by simple examples through daily examples and then gradually introduce complex principles. They are reading, but it's important that parents rely on schools or teachers instead of full time appropriate to the children.

Remember! Parents have to make a lot of sacrifices for the better training of the children and sometimes they have to correct their own bad habits, so start reforming the children with their own correction.

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