How to make concrete in Minecraft

How to make concrete in Minecraft | Complete Guide

How to make concrete in Minecraft

Concrete is a dynamic and strong building material in Minecraft. It gives a great look to any project you start in your game. Best of all, the material can be made in a variety of colors, and it's not as flammable as wool.

How to make concrete in Minecraft

In this article, we will give you a detailed guide on how to make concrete in Minecraft.

The components you will need to make concrete are gravel, sand and your preferred colors. Before you start crafting, decide on the color of the material so you can work on finding the perfect nuances. Some options include white, gray, green, yellow, cyan, light blue, magenta, black and pink. You can get your dye through trading, smelting or crafting.

Once all the equipment is in place, you can start making your own concrete. Fortunately, the process is straightforward:

1: Start by making concrete powder. To do this, you first need to open your crafting table.
How to make concrete in Minecraft

2: In the crafting grid, combine one dye, four sand blocks, and four gravel blocks. Unlike most recipes, you can make concrete powder by inserting ingredients in any order and any square.
How to make concrete in Minecraft

3: Once the elements are combined, you will get your concrete powder. To convert it to concrete, you will need a water supply. In this case, you can use flowing water or source block.

How to make concrete in Minecraft

4: Either place your concrete powder next to the water source or drop it into the water. The powder will then harden into the concrete. Just don't forget to mine your concrete block with packs, otherwise it will fall off.

How to make concrete in Minecraft

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