How to Slide in Madden 21

How to Slide in Madden 21

Sometimes sliding is the best option.

How to Slide in Madden 21

Sliding in Madden 21 can help you get yards without the risk of tampering with the ball, which can change the tide of a nearby game.

Players with quarterback and other skill positions can use slides to their advantage in sticky situations. Knowing how to slide in Madden 21 can help you win games against tough opponents.

How to Slide in Madden 21

It's easy to slip into Madden 21 as a quarterback, but there are some things that need to be done first. Players must cross the scrimmage line and walk with a quarterback to start the slide. Players can dive by holding the square / x button, but this will move the quarterback forward. Diving can help quarterback in some situations, but it also makes it easier to mess up.

Instead of holding the diving button, tap it to create a quarterback slide and end the play. This stops the quarterback without the risk of the ball falling. This can also be done with other skill position players such as wide receivers, backers, and narrow ends by holding both triggers and pressing the square / x button.

Sometimes it's best to end the game by sliding because it can prevent the defense from taking the ball off or allow players to make a timeout call. Some players are angry with this strategy, but it is a clever tactic that every Madden 21 player should understand.

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